The ancestors of the Jadgali people in Iran originated in western India. They migrated west, and they live in Iran near Pakistan’s Baloch and Sindh provinces.
We know very little about the lifestyle of the Jadgali people, but they probably farm and herd livestock like the nearby peoples.
This is a solidly Muslim group, and they have no gospel witness. All they have are some Bible portions and the JESUS Film which they can access by computer.
Most peoples in their part of the world can use good, reliable sources of water. They need medical care; it is hard to get to hospitals from remote locations.
Pray for the Lord to reach the Jadgali people through dreams and visions.
Pray for spiritual hunger that will lead the Jadgali people to seek and find the King of kings.
Pray for gospel materials to be translated into their language and for it to become widely available.
Pray for Jadgali disciples who will make more disciples.
Scripture Prayers for the Jadgali in Iran.
Profile Source: Joshua Project |